Subcutaneous Mastectomy

It is also called “subcutaneous mastectomy”. In more than 70% cases, gynecomastia is caused by a hypertrophic mammary gland. The breasts feel identical to real breasts. Tenderness or off-white nipple secretion is sometimes observed. A small periareolar incision is made to enter into the subcutaneous layer for breast tissue dissection and excision. On average, 90% of hypertrophic tissues need to be removed to make the breasts appear flat. However, some mammary gland tissues need to be kept to prevent breast concavity. If the breasts are saggy, a long inframammary incision is made to completely remove hypertrophic breast tissues and redundant skin.

Surgical conditions


  • Type of anesthesia: IV sedation or general anesthesia
  • Type of incision: 2.5-cm incision in the periphery of the areola or 8-cm incision in the inframammary fold
  • Recovery: Within 2–3 days
  • Removal of stitches: 7 days

General instructions

No food and water on the day of surgery

  • A pressed chest strap needs to be worn for 1 month postoperatively.
  • Weight on the chest or aggressive massage should be avoided for 3 months postoperatively.
  • Scar care should be continued for 3–6 months.

Ideal candidates

  • Those with gynecomastia.
  • Male patients with unknown lumps in the breast.
  • Those with frequent breast swelling and nipple secretion.

Possible complications

  • Hypertrophic scar
  • Breast concavity
  • Decreased nipple sensitivity
  • Incomplete correction

Surgical advantages

  1. Almost compete removal of the breast with no problem of regrowth or relapse.

  2. Almost completely flat chest.

Surgical drawbacks

  1. Possible scars around the areola.

  2. Over excision of the breast tissue can lead to concave breasts.

  3. Possible decrease in nipple sensitivity.

Before & After

These photographs represent typical results, but not everyone who undergoes plastic surgery will achieve the same.

Subcutaneous Mastectomy