Director, Chia-Jung Chuang, MD.
Finest as your Wish!
The concept “understanding your wishes, we offer you supreme beauty” is the reason behind the name of WiSH aesthetic surgery clinic. It implies that physicians should not only possess abundant expertise and experience and adeptly and safely execute various plastic surgeries to fulfill patients’ fundamental requirements but also have rich esthetic and artistic cultivation to materialize abstract concepts in concrete surgeries, thus meeting the high expectations of beauty-loving patients. This also constitutes the mission that Dr. Chuang and all his colleagues have been endeavoring to achieve. Being the largest project in esthetic medicine and all-encompassing in contents, plastic surgery conforms to the requirements of medical care, health, and safety. Therefore, letting patients enjoy the beautiful transformation and ultimate results without concerns and providing the highest quality medical service and environmental facilities will be an objective we persistently strive for.
Plastic surgery is also a fashion art! WiSH Clinic towers over common commercial esthetic and plastic surgery institutions. This is because of the fact that it is a plastic surgery gallery with esthetics and life and it overflows with a transcendent modern artistic ambience, which not only displays the esthetic cultivation of the clinic owner but also demonstrates the extraordinary taste of our visitors. In 2015, under the leadership of Dr. Chuang, we overcame all difficulties to relocate our 8-year-old premises to the avenue at Eastern district of Taipei so that we could unleash our passion in a broader environment. We have advanced our software and hardware capacity to a new peak and are moving toward our objective of being an international first-class medical institute. We sincerely hope that you feel our devotion to life esthetics the moment you set foot in our clinic!
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“謝謝您. 謝謝您不管是在問診,每一次的回診檢查與手術中,因為您的仔細、耐心及對來求診的客人,都能真誠的對待與著想。都能讓我深刻的感受,覺得很安心、放心,也覺得自己很幸運遇到了一位醫術精湛,仁心仁術,德藝雙馨的好醫生. 謝謝您!”
“Dear 莊醫師,每個人都有追求美的權利,但沒有你,我們卻都辦不到。謝謝你的細心、專業和親切,讓我好有安全感~我們都因為有你,而變得更美好~Thank you so much~”
“Dear Dr. Chuang and Staff, Thank you for the super work that you all do as a team! I’m very pleased with the results. Everything turned out exactly as you said. Not only did you fit me in a short amount of time, but also you all helped me stay calm. :) Thanks for making my dream come true! All the best.”
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