Happy New Year! Doing a quick review for the small enhancements I did last March in Taipei Wish clinic. It was my 2nd time there so I won't be doing too much introduction to the
新加坡客人在知美整形的經驗分享 Part2
[2nd Rhinoplasty Revision; 2 weeks post-op update] Honestly speaking nothing much to update as of now cuz’ did you know for nose to FULLY DESWELL after rhinoplasty it can take from [...]
新加坡客人在知美整形的經驗分享 Part1
Hi guys, just a quick update and proper reveal. So we are all okay and healing well post surgery. Actually I’ve been wanting to get this nose revision done for the longest time and been dropping [...]
隆鼻手術做完到現在2個星期,雖然還在修復期階段,鼻子還是有些腫腫的,但對於隆鼻術後的成果很滿意,這兩天比較沒那麼忙,就趕緊來打個分享文。 有朝天鼻的人,應該都和我一樣,即使[...]
本來沒有想隆乳的XD真的都是因緣際會下。前年生了寶寶後,我在FB的媽咪社團認識了很多好姐妹,有次聊到胸部話題,我們都在抱怨產後胸部很容易鬆弛,而且還會退奶…就變得 [...]
女孩們~ 大家都喜歡大奶還小奶啊?我身邊的朋友普遍都喜歡大奶 我也不例外 肯定是大奶派的 畢竟乳不巨 何以聚人心?[...]
2019 WhatClinic Award
WISH aesthetic surgery clinic ( has been recognised with WhatClinic Patient Service Award 2019, an annual award based on patient service excellence ratings [...]