終於在結束連線回台灣 擠出時間來打這一篇雙眼皮+開眼頭的文章 請大家原諒我.因為平時除了要寄件.拍照.還要照顧小屁孩!真的是分身乏術呀 我割了雙眼皮後 說真的幾乎每個月在粉絲頁都會有人問我 在哪裡割?多少錢?
終於在結束連線回台灣 擠出時間來打這一篇雙眼皮+開眼頭的文章 請大家原諒我.因為平時除了要寄件.拍照.還要照顧小屁孩!真的是分身乏術呀 我割了雙眼皮後 說真的幾乎每個月在粉絲頁都會有人問我 在哪裡割?多少錢?
Hello there! If you have been following my blog posts for the last couple of months (Part1, Part2, Part3), you'd have known that I've went to Taipei [...]
The rest of the days spent in Taipei was rather relaxing. Some days were spent in the apartment resting & relaxing, other days I went out to walk around but mostly just nearby or to Ximending since Zhongxiao Dunhua station was just 5 stops away from Ximending station. Zhongxiao Donglu was near the area I
Meeting Dr Chuang for the first time; my impression of Wish Clinic & Dr Chuang. In the previous blog post I have briefly mentioned my thoughts and [...]
A big Hello from Taiwan to my dear readers, as I am lying in bed in my Airbnb apartment writing this blog post, Would like to share with my friends and readers about this 8-day trip I took to embark on my plastic surgery journey (once again), to get some minor revisions done in view