Hello there! If you have been following my blog posts for the last couple of months (Part1, Part2, Part3), you’d have known that I’ve went to Taipei last November to get my eyelids and nose done at Wish Clinic. Wanted to look pretty pretty for my wedding photoshoot and banquet. This blog post is just gonna be all about the updates post-op, 3 months later! Pics plssss~~~ P.s. all pictures have not been edited except one or two below where skin smoothener was added; for true results!
Ahahaha, got this off Facebook the other day. Left was me when I was 16 and right is like now. Much difference you think?
And just before I end this blog post, here’s some info relating to this entire trip:
Blog Part 1: http://vannytelly.blogspot.sg/2015/11/trip-to-taiwan-my-plastic-surgery.html
Blog Part 2: http://vannytelly.blogspot.sg/2015/11/trip-to-taiwan-my-plastic-surgery_17.html
Blog Part 3: http://vannytelly.blogspot.sg/2015/12/my-plastic-surgery-review-with-wish.html
Official website of Wish Clinic: http://wishclinic.com.tw/
Wish Clinic’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wishclinictaipei/timeline
If you need help on the location to book an apartment for, you may PM me and I’ll gladly assist you on it.Feel free to leave comments in the comments box below if you have any question and I’ll try my best to answer if its not already stated in my blog above. Thanks for reading! : D
Source: Van via vannytelly.blogspot