2018.12.18 – 整形外科年會採訪
莊醫師 您好! *做完雙眼皮跟提眼肌手術已經快要滿9個月了(我們是2017的6月底手術)整體來說我覺得這個手術是很成功的:1.雙眼大小幾乎 [...]
Dearest Dr Chuang, I just wanted to say that You are an amazing surgeon. Extremely skilled and talented. You have a great eye for aesthetics and best judgement. My eyes/nose are exactly what i wanted. The doctor here was able to remove 2 stitches. 3 have fallen out themselves. Still have 2 more to fall
Before I begin my lengthy post about the surgery I did at WishClinic Taipei, I guess you all be more interested to take a look at the result of my [...]