2019.08.22 隆乳劃時代義乳:Motiva魔滴波力媚 ft.整形外科莊家榮醫師【ME美醫誌】
新一代科技隆乳假體 - Motiva 魔滴波力媚目前已經通過衛福部審核,今年 3月正式登台上市。現今許多民眾對其突破性技術還在認識階段,想要了解並評估它與其他隆乳材質的差異,尤其該假體主打的「人因工學流動感」,以及魔滴隆乳術後有哪些保障,更是在追求自然隆乳的民眾間產生高度討論。
新一代科技隆乳假體 - Motiva 魔滴波力媚目前已經通過衛福部審核,今年 3月正式登台上市。現今許多民眾對其突破性技術還在認識階段,想要了解並評估它與其他隆乳材質的差異,尤其該假體主打的「人因工學流動感」,以及魔滴隆乳術後有哪些保障,更是在追求自然隆乳的民眾間產生高度討論。
矽膠義乳 Motiva 魔滴(波力媚)正式於今年3月在台上市,因其突破性的技術升級,主打「人因工學流動感」,加上手術難度的提升,魔滴隆乳費用比過去其他隆乳義乳高了約 1.5 倍,許多民眾大呼吃不消,但又對新一代義乳的特性十分嚮往。這時若有不肖業者打出平價隆乳價格吸引消費者,卻是用其他廠牌來混淆視聽,不懂如何分辨各種隆乳義乳的民眾可能就會花了冤枉錢。
Director Chuang was invited to attend the recording of “One Apple a Day” program, in which currently popular plastic operations and cosmetology trend were discussed.
Director Chuang was invited to attend the recording of “One Apple a Day” program, in which currently popular plastic operations and cosmetology trend were discussed.
Director Chuang was invited to attend the recording of “One Apple a Day” program, in which currently popular plastic operations and cosmetology trend were discussed.