25 09, 2012

2012.09.25 – FTV

By |September 25th, 2012|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on 2012.09.25 – FTV

2012.09.25 Smart medical consumers expose a quacksalver who alleges that he has a technique to cure breast cancer by foot stepping on breasts. Plastic surgeon Dr. Chia-Jueng Chuang expresses his concern. He indicates that by foot stepping on an affected area the weight of the stepper exerts great distress in force to the affected body

25 09, 2012

2012.09.25 – Next TV

By |September 25th, 2012|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on 2012.09.25 – Next TV

2012.09.25 Smart medical consumers expose a quacksalver who alleges that he has a technique to cure breast cancer by foot stepping on breasts. Plastic surgeon Dr. Chia-Jueng Chuang expresses his concern. He indicates that by foot stepping on an affected area the weight of the stepper exerts great distress in force to the affected body

15 09, 2012

Japan’s Cosmetic Celebrity Preference Chart Review

By |September 15th, 2012|Categories: Press|Comments Off on Japan’s Cosmetic Celebrity Preference Chart Review

It is the common practice for many potential cosmetic consumers who came to the consultations with celebrity pictures. They want to personify a particular facial feature like the celebrity they admired. They want to be as beautiful as these celebrities. Recently, many Japanese cosmetic and aesthetic clinics now publish a chart

12 09, 2012

Birth of a Chimera Beauty! Korean Actress’s Beauty Secrets

By |September 12th, 2012|Categories: Press|Comments Off on Birth of a Chimera Beauty! Korean Actress’s Beauty Secrets

Only when we try to study beautiful faces could we discover these beautiful faces actually have a lot in common. To decipher their beauty codes one reveals the shared essentials of a tall and three-dimensional nose with an elegant and pointy chin. The contour of the chin directly affected the face shape as a whole.

12 07, 2012

Uncover the Three Worst Assassins of Beautiful Breasts – Dropped, Outspreaded, Odd-shaped Breasts Out!

By |July 12th, 2012|Categories: Press|Comments Off on Uncover the Three Worst Assassins of Beautiful Breasts – Dropped, Outspreaded, Odd-shaped Breasts Out!

Disparate words vividly describe the manifold of shapes for breasts. Some said they are like water droplets, peaches, bowls, water melons and cones. But which are the perfect breasts with golden proportions? Aging and unfitted bras change the golden proportion of perfect breasts. How to rescue the misshaped breasts? Dr. Chia-Jueng Chuang, the director of