26 01, 2007

2007.01.26 – TVBS

By |January 26th, 2007|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on 2007.01.26 – TVBS

In order to correct stocky legs, many beauty loving women continuously search for surgical methods. On the market there are currently leg thinning socks that claim can absorb calories, although they do not treat stocky legs, but they may have some results in terms of prevention.

26 01, 2007

2007.01.26 – TVBS

By |January 26th, 2007|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on 2007.01.26 – TVBS

A revolutionary product for micro-cosmetic surgery Aquamid was recently approved for use in cosmetics areas by the Department of Health: rhinoplasty, 山根, forehead lifts, cheek lifts, filling wrinkles, chin lifts, and even large areas of traumatic depression can be improved through injections, there is not only no recovery time, the effects last for as

18 11, 2006

2006.11.18 – TVBS

By |November 18th, 2006|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on 2006.11.18 – TVBS

An interview with WISH Clinic Dr. Chuang about the targets and opportunities to use silicone jelly after it is legitimized, to ensure that consumers understand the pros and cons of such new materials.

18 11, 2006

2006.11.18 – EBC

By |November 18th, 2006|Categories: Interviews|Comments Off on 2006.11.18 – EBC

An interview with WISH Clinic Dr. Chuang about the targets and opportunities to use silicone jelly after it is legitimized, to ensure that consumers understand the pros and cons of such new materials.