WiSH Clinic Welcome Dr. Koestinger from Beautiful City of Bern
Dr. Koestinger from the beautiful city of Bern is a senior level eye plastic surgeon from Vista Klinik, a leading plastic surgery center in Switzerland. WiSH[...]
Dr. Koestinger from the beautiful city of Bern is a senior level eye plastic surgeon from Vista Klinik, a leading plastic surgery center in Switzerland. WiSH[...]
In providing the highest quality service and environment, Dr. Chuang has generously invested to building a pioneering aesthetic clinic in Taiwan, making WiSH
生動活潑的影像或節目往往能帶領觀眾深入淺出的認識整形或醫美等知識, 也具有傳達正確醫療訊息的功效, 因此知美團隊特別於Youtube影音網站平台上建構了知美整形的專屬頻道, 蒐羅的莊院長自2006年起所接受的新聞專訪, 節目邀約,與醫學發表…等一共57部影片, 不僅方便大眾了解莊院長的專業與背景, 更可以輕鬆的從中認識各種整形新知與資訊, 為日後的求美之路先墊定正確地觀念與良好的心理建設.