Whole-layer Vaginoplasty

This technique is applicable to patients with excess vaginal looseness due to natural delivery or prior vaginal laceration. The surgical scope is more profound than vaginal opening tightening, and the surgical incision extends from the 6 o’clock direction of the vaginal opening (posterior wall) inward by at least 8–10 cm to near the cervix, which covers almost length of the whole vagina. Dr. Chuang will first conduct large-area resection of the loose vaginal mucosa, then separate the vaginal sphincter at the deeper layer and stitch the deep vaginal muscles after a simultaneous excision of the scar from prior vaginal laceration (also called secondary vaginal repair), and finally tighten and stitch the superficial mucosa of the incision at the vaginal surface. This whole-layer vaginal tightening not only effectively reduces the vaginal width to provide the optimal tightening effects and make patients and their partners feel the pleasure brought by the surgery but also ensures the durability of the results, which last for approximately 3–5 years.

Surgical conditions


  • Type of anesthesia: IV sedation + local anesthesia
  • Surgical incision: Extends inward by approximately 8–10 cm from the vaginal opening
  • Recovery: 5–7 days
  • Removal of stitches: No

General instructions

No food and water on the day of surgery

  • Avoid the surgery during the menstrual period.
  • Try to wear loose underclothes for 1 week postoperatively to avoid friction on wounds.
  • Avoid sexual behaviors for 1 month postoperatively.
  • Prevent the lower body from being exposed to dirty water for 1 month postoperatively (such as swimming pool and sea water).

Ideal candidates

  • Patients with an extremely loose vagina
  • Those with vaginal laceration or laxity due to natural delivery via the birth canal or multiple deliveries
  • Those with a crooked or hollow vagina or accompanied by retroversion of the uterus
  • Those feeling no pleasure during sexual intercourse
  • Those with an excess vaginal slackness that causes an insensitive sensation to males
  • Those with recurrent and chronic vaginal inflammation or infection

Potential complications

  • Excess vaginal tightening (temporary)
  • Vaginal laceration
  • Difficulty in defecation (temporary)
  • Rectovaginal fistula

Surgical advantages

  1. The surgery is able to radically improve vaginal looseness, with marked results.

  2. By whole-segment and double layer stitching, the vaginal tightening results last for a long time.

  3. Perineal repair is simultaneously conducted to alleviate prior birth canal laceration.

  4. The surgery is able to effectively elevate the intimacy between the vagina and male genitals to distinctly ameliorate the quality of sexual life.

  5. It can be re-conducted once if the patient finds the results unsatisfactory.

Surgical drawbacks

  1. The surgical field is deep and long, and the postoperative recovery is relatively slow.

  2. Patients may suffer from obvious swelling and pain after deep muscular stitching.

  3. Patients may present temporary inadaptation due to excess vaginal tightening.

  4. Patients with a rectocele may develop a temporary difficulty in defecation.