新加坡客人在知美整形的經驗分享 Part1
Hi guys, just a quick update and proper reveal. So we are all okay and healing well post surgery. Actually I’ve been wanting to get this nose revision done for the longest time and been dropping [...]
Hi guys, just a quick update and proper reveal. So we are all okay and healing well post surgery. Actually I’ve been wanting to get this nose revision done for the longest time and been dropping [...]
隆鼻手術做完到現在2個星期,雖然還在修復期階段,鼻子還是有些腫腫的,但對於隆鼻術後的成果很滿意,這兩天比較沒那麼忙,就趕緊來打個分享文。 有朝天鼻的人,應該都和我一樣,即使[...]
莊院長日前接受壹顆好心(support system asia)專訪,由網路知名作家夏金剛為讀者們首次披露莊院長充滿驚奇的求學歷程,與他入行不為人知的酸甜苦辣,想要知道莊院長從不為人知的小秘密嗎?
Dr. Marcos Sfoza 為魔滴原廠認證的世界巡迴講師,此次藉著訪問台灣期間也特別至知美整形外科診所進行現地參訪,除了了解魔滴假體於台灣的使用情況與回饋外,也與莊院長進行了精彩的經驗交換與分享。