隆鼻手術做完到現在2個星期,雖然還在修復期階段,鼻子還是有些腫腫的,但對於隆鼻術後的成果很滿意,這兩天比較沒那麼忙,就趕緊來打個分享文。 有朝天鼻的人,應該都和我一樣,即使[...]
隆鼻手術做完到現在2個星期,雖然還在修復期階段,鼻子還是有些腫腫的,但對於隆鼻術後的成果很滿意,這兩天比較沒那麼忙,就趕緊來打個分享文。 有朝天鼻的人,應該都和我一樣,即使[...]
莊醫師 您好! *做完雙眼皮跟提眼肌手術已經快要滿9個月了(我們是2017的6月底手術)整體來說我覺得這個手術是很成功的:1.雙眼大小幾乎 [...]
Dearest Dr Chuang, I just wanted to say that You are an amazing surgeon. Extremely skilled and talented. You have a great eye for aesthetics and best judgement. My eyes/nose are exactly what i wanted. The doctor here was able to remove 2 stitches. 3 have fallen out themselves. Still have 2 more to fall
Before I begin my lengthy post about the surgery I did at WishClinic Taipei, I guess you all be more interested to take a look at the result of my before and after photos first. Please take note that the "after" photo is taken two weeksafter the surgery so my face and nose are still swelling